Sean Hannity disclosed that guests were his lawyers in only 1 of 84 visits

By Sean Captain

April 19, 2018

Even though he says he’s not  a journalist, Fox News host Sean Hannity has been intensely criticized by his competitors (and even coworkers) in the media for denouncing the FBI raid on Trump attorney Michael Cohen without once disclosing that Cohen was also his own attorney. Liberal watchdog group Media Matters has cataloged 84 occasions when one of four Hannity attorneys appeared on his show. In just one instance, on May 23, 2017, did Hannity mention that his guest—in this case Trump’s Russia probe lawyer Jay Sekulow—had also performed legal services for Hannity. (Full disclosure about Media Matters: It is extremely anti-Fox and anti-Hannity.)

Sekulow appeared 51 other times with no disclosure by Hannity. Nor did Hannity say anything for all 15 visits by Cohen, 11 visits by attorney Victoria Toensing, or five visits by her husband, attorney Joseph diGenova. Both Toensing and diGenova had been invited, but declined to join Trump’s Russia legal team, citing potential “conflicts” with their work for other clients. (Although they said they might assist on other matters.)

Hannity justifiably criticized ABC News rival George Stephanopoulos for reporting on the Clinton Foundation without disclosing that he had made a donation to the organization. But there’s been no corresponding mea culpa from Hannity for interviewing his lawyers on air without a disclosure.
