Share your memories and reviews of the last iPod Classic
This week marks an anniversary of sorts for the 6th-generation “classic” iPod. Not its release date (September 5th, 2007), but the date it was officially discontinued: September 9th, 2014. That day Apple stopped producing non-touchscreen mobile music players. The 6th-gen iPod Classic would be the last device to feature a physical click wheel and the 30-pin connector, and had storage that maxed out at 160 GB. I actually still have a working, 6th-gen iPod Classic and use it even today. It’s useful because it doesn’t eat up precious satellite internet bandwidth, and it’s also an oddly specific time capsule of the music I listened to more than a decade ago.
Who else out there still has a classic click-wheel 6th-gen model from 2007? What score would you give the last of the original iPods? What do you miss most about the device? Tell us everything: what kind of playlists you made, how far you traveled with your old iPod and where you’d place it in the annals of tech history. You can leave all your memories and reviews over on the iPod Classic product page, and remember — the best reviews will get included in an upcoming user review roundup article