Smart Cube turns any drawer into a Bluetooth-controlled lockbox
One of the latest devices to go from crowdfunding to CES is this Bluetooth-connected lock from Smart Armor. The Cube uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to pair with your phone, and can unlock whenever it’s in range (or from further away, if you have a Bluetooth router or other device to control it). Simply mount the device in a drawer or box that you’d prefer remain closed to prying eyes, fingers or other appendages, and it can tighten closed. Even if someone tries to tamper with the device, it will send out an alert. Mounted with double-sided tape, it can stand up to 100 pounds of force, or owners can mount it with the provided holes.
Smart Armor sees potential use cases in people who have young children, roommates or AirBNB guests. On Indiegogo, it met the $50,000 goal in just a few days and should go on sale at retail by March. The lock’s MSRP is $89, while a three-pack is available for pre-order at a price of $225.
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