Some gendered slurs no longer on Wordle’s word list
Wordle’s desktop site now redirects to the New York Times
Presumably the same will be true on mobile soon.

We knew this day would come, but it still feels strange to say goodbye: the original website hosting Wordle now points to its new forever home at The New York Times.
Other than some small UI changes to better mesh with the clean, spacious design language of NYT‘s Games section, Wordle is effectively identical. In fact, if you’ve already played today’s puzzle, you’ll find the solution unchanged on the Grey Lady’s domain — and if you’ve been a desktop solver this whole time, streaks should be retained (though that doesn’t seem to be the case for everyone). Strangely though, the Wordle does not yet appear on the Games landing page.
The original Wordle page does not yet redirect on mobile though, if you’re hoping for one last spin.
Wordle launched last October as a once-a-day word game in part inspired by the Times‘ Spelling Bee game. After obtaining massive popularity, its creator — Josh Wardle — sold his game to its spiritual progenitors for an undisclosed sum in the “low-seven figures.” It’s believed the game will remain free-to-play despite the change in ownership.