Pinned August 18, 2018

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SpaceX Dragon capsule makes safe return from the ISS
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SpaceX Dragon capsule makes safe return from the ISS

Mallory Locklear, @mallorylocklear

August 03, 2018

SpaceX Dragon capsule makes safe return from the ISS |

Around a month ago, SpaceX launched one of its Dragon cargo capsules into space, loading it up with supplies destined for the International Space Station. Now, it has made it safely back to Earth, splashing into the Pacific Ocean just after 6PM Eastern. SpaceX tweeted the capsule’s progress throughout the day, noting its successful departure burns that separated it from the ISS and when to expect its arrival.

Its return completes the CRS-15 mission, which brought scientific experiments, crew provisions, equipment and other supplies to the ISS. NASA says it will take approximately two days for the capsule to be retrieved and brought back to port, after which the cargo and experiments it returned will be unloaded.

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