Still Deciding If What Trump Said Was Racist? Watch This PSA By Marvel Director Taika Waititi

  • 08.16.17
  • quick hit

    What: A hilariously accurate anti-racism PSA from the Thor: Ragnarok director, that is relevant to the current conversations around race in the U.S.

    Who: New Zealand Human Rights Commission, Taika Waititi

    Why we care: Yes, this was released in June. And yes, it was made for New Zealand. But given the truly surreal reaction by President Trump, his surrogates, and right-leaning pundits to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, it also feels incredibly relevant to the U.S. right now.

    Waititi tweaks the typical PSA format to illustrate that it’s not just the losers waving swastikas in Charlottesville that are the problem. Even those who feed it a little, like, say, equating neo-Nazis and white supremacists to those that oppose them, help the cause of racism a great deal. It is important to remember that not all racists are as obvious as the armed and dangerous Cro-Mag in that excellent Vice report, some can only be seen by their silence or flailing attempts at justification.JB



    Fast Company , Read Full Story

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