Survey: Almost 40% of US consumers will make a mobile purchase during holidays

Research from Fluent also reinforces the fact that most retail research happens digitally, but most purchases happen offline.


A recent study from ad tech company Fluent shows that about 40 percent of US consumers plan to make at least one purchase this holiday season on a mobile device. And age is one of the key factors in whether the consumer plans to do any mobile shopping.

The company surveyed nearly 2,000 US consumers in late September to ask about their holiday shopping plans and found that 39 percent said they plan to make at least one purchase on a mobile device this year. Younger shoppers are more likely to go mobile: Almost half of those aged 18–44 say they’ll use a mobile device, compared to only 33 percent of the 45-and-up crowd.


Fluent’s survey also further emphasizes the complementary nature between online research and offline shopping. A total of about 54 percent of respondents said they’ll do most of their research via those two online channels, while 47 percent said brick-and-mortar stores will be their primary place for research (numbers are rounded).

But those physical stores are still where the vast majority of shoppers will spend their holiday money. In Fluent’s survey, about 78 percent of respondents said at least half of their shopping will be done in stories, while 22 percent said at least half of their shopping will be done online.

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According to Fluent’s research, men are slightly more likely than women to research holiday products online, as are shoppers aged 18–44 more likely than shoppers 45 and older.


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