Pinned January 27, 2017

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Tell this robot to graffiti a wall for you
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Tell this robot to graffiti a wall for you

January 07, 2017

We’ve seen our fair share of weird things at CES this week, but there was one thing outside the Las Vegas Convention Center that surprised even us Engadget editors. As we were walking toward the building, we came across an unattended (and seemingly unnamed) robot that takes voice commands to show off its spray painting skills. While it’s obviously no Banksy, it’s yet another example of how Bluetooth devices are being used to control stuff around you. Sure, this isn’t the most practical use for voice commands, but you can’t deny how neat the project is.

Gallery: This voice-powered robot will graffiti a wall for you | 6 Photos

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Click here to catch up on the latest news from CES 2017.

Edgar began hitting newsrooms at a young age, when his dad worked at a newspaper back in the 90s. Growing up, he had two passions: technology and football (soccer). If he wasn’t on the pitch scoring hat-tricks, he could be found near his SNES or around the house taking things apart. Edgar’s also deeply in love with tacos, sneakers and FIFA, in no particular order. He lives in New York City with his better half.


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