The Cast Of “Orange Is The New Black,” Assisted By Vine Stars, Just Made Your New Favorite Song
There’s a lot to unpack in Netflix’s new video “Stop Don’t Talk to Me.” Let’s begin, shall we?
Netflix just released a video of the Litchfield inmates from Orange Is the New Black singing “Stop Don’t Talk to Me” and it’s straight earworm fire, people—seriously, you’ve been warned: This will be in your head for the remainder of the day and beyond.
There are a few things we need to unpack with this video: Namely, OITNB’s new cast mate and the viral source of this song.
It was announced back in January that Australian actor Ruby Rose would be joining the OITNB cast as Stella Carlin, the new inmate and titillating flame for both Piper (Taylor Schilling) AND Alex (Laura Prepon). Rose has only been making our impatience for the start of season three run shorter, what with all this social teasing:
And patience runneth even thinner with her brief, but glorious, cameo in the video:

Now, if you’re wondering how this video even came about in the first place, let’s go back to the final episode of season two when lovable meth-head Leanne is teaching her friend Angie a hot new diss that goes something like this: “Stop, don’t talk to me! Loser, lame boy, wannabe! Oh, like totally—all you wanna be is me. Stay fresh.”
And here’s where the circle begins: Vine star Twaimz (2.2M followers) created his own version with an added beat:
In true Vine tradition, everyone started uploading their remakes of Twaimz’s remake of his remake (still with me?), including Leah Suh (278K followers):
From here, Lycia Faith (1.3M followers) made her own version, tagging Leah Suh:
Which became the inspiration for aspiring rapper Tre Coast to remix her Vine into this track:
And, finally Netflix caught wise to what they inspired and released this video. I’ll stop talking and being a loser, lame boy now to let you enjoy it:
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