The Division – Survival Expansion and 1.5 Update Incoming
The Division – Survival Expansion and 1.5 Update Incoming
The Division’s second paid expansion, Survival, is available tomorrow (November 22) on Xbox One and PC. Featuring a deadly new Hunter faction and using the entire open world, its 24-player matches – which add new gameplay elements like hunger, warmth, and permadeath, and last up to two hours – are a completely new experience designed to test even hardened Division vets. The expansion is available to players who own a Season Pass or who buy the DLC separately, and will arrive on PS4 December 20.
Survival comes hand-in-hand with a huge new update that’s free for all players: the 1.5 patch, also available November 22 on Xbox One and PC (with the PS4 version due out slightly later), adds a slew of new content, changes, and fixes to improve the overall experience. The update adds a new Tier 5 bracket for high-level players, raising the maximum Gear Score to 256 and introducing level-34 enemies. Named Gear items, bigger stashes, and more are on the way – here’s a quick look at some of what’s in store:
Game changes
- Added World Tier 5 bracket (230+ GS)
- Enemy NPCs are level 34.
- Maximum Gear Score raised to 256.
- Heroic Incursions are now available in Tier 5 only.
- Named Gear items have been implemented in the game. One piece is available for each Gear Slot and each one comes with a unique Talent. Named Gear items can only be acquired in World Tier 5 or in Survival game mode.
- [Mask] Ferro’s oxygen mask: Players can move and shoot while under burn status effect.
- [Knee Pads] Shortbow championship pads: Grenades have shortened fuse timer.
- [Holster] Colonel Bliss’ holster: Powerful improvements for sidearms.
- [Gloves] Skulls MC gloves: Increased damage when no gear set bonuses are active.
- [Chestpiece] Barrett’s bulletproof: Powerful bonuses when skills are on cooldown.
- [Backpack] NinjaBike messenger bag: Less DZ loot and DZ XP lost when dying in the Dark Zone.
- Enemy Armor Damage now functions in PVP: damage calculation in PvP ignores a percentage of the target’s armor equal to one third of the shooter’s Enemy Armor Damage.
- Stagger now functions in PvP: high-stagger weapons (Shotguns and Marksman rifles primarily) will now cause the target’s aim to flinch.
- Tactical Advance: This talent will now provide a maximum of 30% damage increase.
- Stash size has been increased from 70 to 150 total items.
Loot, rewards & vendors
- NPCs now have chances to drop crafting materials. Chances to drop higher quality increases with World Tiers.
- Season Pass Open World Supply Drops will now scale with World Tier. Opening a supply drop in World Tier 1 will reward with Gear Score 163, 182 in World Tier 2, etc.
- Items in the Scavenger crate in the Base of Operations will now scale with World Tier.
- Vendors will now scale to player’s Gear Score, independently from the World Tier they’re in. This means that the Gear Score and currency value of goods they sell will adapt to the player’s Gear Score.
- We have adjusted the Credits and Phoenix Credits rewards for Main Missions, High Value Targets and Incursions to better scale with World Tier. This results in an overall increase starting from World Tier 4 and above.
- Modified rewards from completing weekly assignments:
- Moved 30 Phoenix Credits from the weekly assignment reward to put them inside the weekly assignment cache (the total amount is still the same)
- Added one extra High-End Mod inside the weekly assignment cache
Click here for a full rundown of everything coming in the 1.5 patch, and check out our previous coverage for more on The Division:
The Division’s Survival Expansion Hits Public Test Server
The Division 1.4 Patch Ushers in Sweeping Fixes and Tweaks
The Division – Public Test Server Launches Today
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