The Division – Underground expansion and Update 1.3 Add New Mission Types and More
The Division – Underground expansion and Update 1.3 Add New Mission Types and More
Underground, the first paid expansion for The Division, arrives on Xbox One and PC tomorrow, and it’s bringing a host of cool new features and additions. At its center are the randomized Underground Operations, which we tried out at E3, and which bring new levels of uncertainty and challenge to group missions. Underground also comes with a new level-30 Incursion, Dragon’s Nest, which pits Agents against the Cleaners in Hell’s Kitchen, as well as four new Gear Sets:
- B.L.I.N.D., which adds an improved Pulse skill and flashbangs.
- DeadEYE, which enhances long-range firepower with critical strikes and accurate headshots.
- FireCrest, which lets you set enemies ablaze.
- Reclaimer, an “ultimate support set” with the power to boost your entire group.
The Underground expansion will arrive alongside Update 1.3, which adds a raft of improvements for all players on Xbox One and PC (with the PS4 update coming at a later date). Delivering more than bug fixes, Update 1.3 adds a new Gear Set – AlphaBridge, which lets you take advantage of all equipped weapon talents – as well as new high-end weapons, a new Base of Operations extension called the Terminal, and Heroic Mode and Challenge Mode difficulty levels for select missions. Other highlights include:
- A new Dark Zone bracket for players with 231+ Gear Score.
- Level 30 players will now only encounter level 30 or higher enemy NPCs in Free Roam.
- Matchmaking and fast-travel into no-respawn areas.
- The High-Risk High-Value Targets have had their rewards and difficulty adjusted to take into account the Gear Score increase.
- Added a base weapon damage value that makes it easier to compare weapons.
A full list of the changes arriving in Underground and Update 1.3 can be found at The Division’s official site. The Underground expansion will be available June 28 for Xbox One and PC, and PS4 August 2. For more on The Division, check out our previous coverage:
The Division – Going Underground Introduces New Level of Replayability
The Division Underground Expansion Coming June 28 to Xbox One, PC
How to Hunt High-Value Targets in The Division
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