The Good & Bad Habits of Smart People [Infographic]

June 17, 2016

I wanted to do something a little different this week, so I found a neat little infographic from NowSourcing that lists the good and bad habits that are common among the world’s smartest people. I thought it might be fun to run through the list and see how many apply – who knows, you or a member of your team may be the next Grace Hopper or Nikola Tesla!

First, let’s look at the good habits:

Smart people are persistent. Did you know that Thomas Edison logged over 1000 attempts at the light bulb? Or that Albert Einstein didn’t speak until he was 4? Smart people are driven and do not give up easily.

Smart people set goals. Students who were given 4 weeks to accomplish a goal performed much better if they had written goals (64%) or shared their goals with their friends (76%), versus students who did not write their goals down (43%).

Smart people are avid readers. Reading increases verbal and writing skills, concentration, problem-solving skills, and memory. It also helps you think more clearly. So pick up that book!

Smart people are self-disciplined. Believe it or not, but IQ level is actually a good indicator of rates of virginity among adolescents. Undergrad students in top schools like MIT, Harvard, and Princeton are more likely to be virgins.

Smart people think about thinking. Smart people are able to think critically about the way that they think, and have great cognitive skills such as the ability to compare, analyze, and infer.

Now, let’s look at the bad habits:

Smart people tend to drink and use drugs. Children with high IQs tend to grow up to be adults who binge drink more frequently, as well as use drugs. Girls with an IQ of greater than 107 are especially more likely to use drugs as adults.

Smart people are night owls. Studies have shown that the higher your IQ, the more likely you are to be regularly awake past midnight. Lack of sleep has some pretty serious consequences, including increased risk of heart disease, depression, and obesity.

Smart people are anxious. In 2012, a study found that patients with generic anxiety disorders had higher IQ scores than healthy volunteers.

Hopefully, you practice all of the good habits and none of the bad ones. Are you ready to apply for MENSA? Let me know in the comments!

The Good & Bad Habits of Smart People Infographic

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