The Invite-Only App: Clubhouse
Clubhouse is already popular, even though it is invite-only. With a few features that you may not expect or even feel comfortable with, is it an app that brands can use?
Clubhouse is a still-new app that has created a ton of buzz. It has a number of features that make it very different from other apps and it is this set of differences that has made it intriguing.
First up, it is invitation-only. That’s right, you can’t automatically set up a profile and join in on Clubhouse. You can apply, and you can be invited by others. But don’t expect to just sign up and get involved. It’s a real ‘club’ atmosphere from the start, and that makes it kind of special.
In addition to that particular quirk, Clubhouse is also audio-only. That takes a little while to get your head round. But the best way to think about it is to imagine that you have the opportunity to give a keynote speech to hundreds of people at a time. And yes, they have been invited to your ‘speaking event’.
So, like podcasts then?
It seems like a logical link to podcasting, but Clubhouse is a little different due to the fact that nothing is recorded. If you don’t attend the conversation, you will miss out. So again, this brings about comparisons with a live speaking event. It has some feeling of exclusivity.
Podcasts are recorded and can be listened to at any time. Clubhouse is fleeting, and you really have to be there to get the most out of it, or anything out of it, for that matter.
One of the best ways to approach Clubhouse as a brand or a marketer is to think about the actual idea of having a ‘clubhouse’, where people can sit and try to offer value to an open house setting. So if a brand has a CEO that is able to hold a workshop on Clubhouse, and is available to answer questions for an hour, it becomes a useful exercise for audiences, and a great way to make new connections and leads.
Some pointers
Once you are in Clubhouse, you then need to carefully consider which rooms to follow and get involved in. If you just follow as many rooms as you can and flit from one to the other, you’re looking at a situation where you have too much to distract you and no real focus on what you’re doing. You can also find yourself in a position where you are following topics and rooms that actually hold no real interest for you.
When you first open up the app (after being lucky enough to get invited) you will find yourself in the hallway, with a list of rooms that are currently running. This list will also include some rooms that the app itself thinks you will be interested in. Each room will have its own audience and this does mean that some rooms will be larger than others. It is developed enough as an app now for some of the rooms to be huge, conference-size audiences.
The beauty of Clubhouse is that you will find yourself becoming intrigued by various speakers and clubs. You can follow these and widen your own ‘net’ so that you have more and more people to listen to and follow.
You can also check scheduled events via keywords so you can find conversations that hold interest for you before they happen.
When it comes to joining rooms and trying to build a following, it is very much the case that you shouldn’t join huge rooms. Some rooms really are large (with thousands attending)and you have no chance of being noticed in such a room, much less followed. The best way to start to develop a following is to frequent the smaller rooms where there are just a smaller group (say 20-30 people) and hang out. This way, people will start to notice you over time and start to consider you as a speaker or someone who has something valuable to offer in another way.
And like all social media work, your main aim is to do your best to not talk about yourself. Attendees on Clubhouse discussions will expect to receive value. Add value, and you will see your following develop. The more you add value, the more likely people will click on your bio and aim to find out more about you and what you offer.
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