The Nintendo Switch will reportedly have Neo Geo games
The Nintendo Switch will support a handful of new games, of course, but it’s also going to feature some fan-favorite classics from the Neo Geo era, Famitsu says. The Arcade Archive collection from Japanese video-game publisher Hamster Corp. will land on the Switch worldwide beginning in March with King of Fighters ’98, according to the report. Keep in mind that the Switch itself is scheduled to come out March 3rd for $300 in the United States.
Other Neo Geo classics headed to the Switch after March include Waku Waku 7, Shock Troopers, World Heroes Perfect and Metal Slug 3, Famitsu says. The nostalgia doesn’t end there, either — there will be a setting that restores each game to its original, 1990s glory, complete with all the grainy visuals of a CRT TV set.
Players will be able to adjust difficulty on these vintage games as well, and compare rankings with players worldwide.
The Switch is Nintendo’s newest living-room console, but it’s a convertible device that can easily go mobile. It’ll launch with a slew of new online features, which will eventually be available via a subscription service that goes live in the fall. This grants access to online multiplayer, the Switch smartphone app and downloads of a classic game from the Nintendo Entertainment System or Super Nintendo Entertainment System each month.
According to Wired Games Editor Chris Kohler, these NES and SNES games will be available to paid subscribers at no extra charge for that month only, unless players actually buy the game as well. As always, we’ve reached out to Nintendo for clarification and will update this post as we hear back.
We got our hands on the Switch and some of its new games today, and overall had a smashing time (no, there weren’t any Smash Bros. demos).
Update: Hamster Corp has officially announced in a press release, and on its Twitter account, that it will release these five games for Nintendo’s console.
「アーケードアーカイブス」シリーズと「アケアカNEOGEO」シリーズを Nintendo Switch で配信していくことを決定しました! Nintendo Switch でも一時代を築いたアーケードゲームの名作をぜひお楽しみください!
— HAMSTER Corporation (@HAMSTER_Corp) January 13, 2017