The Only Thing That’s Changed Is All These New Apple Ads
The brand unveiled a stylish but familiar lineup of ads and demos for the new iPhones, iPad Pro, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Apple Pencil.
Apple’s annual fall product event is a bit like the Gathering of the Juggalos for the technology and design crowd. Every year it garners a wide range of interest, ranging from the frenzied hype-mongering of a rabid fan base, to the bemused curiosity of less enthusiastic observers. And like that yearly paean to the end of civilization and questionable music taste, it’s also a time for the brand to unveil the branding of its latest and greatest through new advertising.

For the new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, agency TBWA/Media Arts Lab created fast-paced, anthemic tour through its new features like 3D Touch, and new colors like Rose gold. It manages to embody the familiar Apple’s personality—witty, smart, but not too serious—while still essentially being a demo video. A demo video with a Bill Hader cameo and Lake Bell voiceover, no less.
Speaking of demo videos, the Apple TV ad is another that blends the brand’s version of real life with a walk-thru of its new Siri-powered navigation, among other capabilities.
With the new Apple Watch, the brand seemed to go with an if-it-ain’t-broke approach, essentially taking the spinning watch motif from its first Watch spot, extending it a bit and switching up the soundtrack.

The iPad Pro, a large screen version of the ubiquitous tablet, is a 2001: A Space Odyssey-ish, up close and personal look at the device, again taking a cue from the first Apple Watch spot that zoomed in on all the clean line design goodness of every nook and cranny.
Along with the line-up of ads were a similarly stylish collection of actual demo videos narrated by chief design officer (and noted lightsaber designer) Jony Ive walking us through the various interactions, experiences, and dimensions of the new offerings.
We can debate all day about the new products (an Apple stylus?!) and the originality of the ads, but at least everyone can agree to be glad there was no new U2 album this year.
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