This map helps bookworms find where to shop on Independent Bookstore Day

By Melissa Locker

If you’re anything like us, you’ve been counting down the days on your calendar until it’s Saturday April 27, better known in bookworm circles as Independent Bookstore Day.

This year marks the fifth annual celebration of those bookstores that are bucking Amazon and paying their brick-and-mortar rent by selling books to the people who love to read them, or the people who love to have them line the shelves of the bespoke bookcase in their luxury condo to look well-read. (No judgment!)

And finding your friendly local independent bookstore is now easier than ever, thanks to a new interactive map that plots the location of the 575-plus bookstores taking part in the celebration (and selling the event’s special literary-themed merchandise).

It’s easy to use: Simply type in your zip code, and the map will show you where to shop. Typing in Portland’s 97232 led to Powell’s and Broadway Books, among others; Detroit’s 48230 had Book Suey and Pages Bookshop; and New York’s 10012 served up options like Bluestocking, Word, and Forbidden Planet.

Plus, spending your day in an independent bookstore and burying yourself in a brand-new book is a great way to avoid Game of Thrones or Avengers: Endgame spoilers. Check out the map here and visit the Independent Bookstore Day website to learn more about the event.


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