This privacy-first notes app is an ideal Chrome home page upgrade


This privacy-first notes app is an ideal Chrome home page upgrade

No downloading, no installing, no data sharing. Manifest is just a simple little web app that improves your browser experience in all the right ways.

BY JR Raphael

Man alive, these humble web browsers of ours sure have come a long way.

But for all the progress we’ve seen in the past several years, somehow, Chrome and most other modern browsers still fall short in one critically important area—and that’s what they show you when you first open ’em.

The standard browser new tab page, to put it bluntly, is a complete waste of space. It’s prime real estate—something you summon and glance upon countless times throughout the day—and yet, what’s there is typically little more than a pointless placeholder.

So, what if you could replace your browser’s new tab page with something truly useful—something that’d be a practical, helpful hub that’s always there and waiting, no matter what device you’re using at any given moment?

My fellow efficiency-seeker, have I got just the thing for you.

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Your Chrome home improvement

If there’s one need that’s constantly coming up in my life, it’s the need to jot something down quickly—to have a virtual Post-it note surface in front of me, in other words.



JR Raphael is obsessed with productivity and finding clever ways to make the most of modern technology. Check out his Android Intelligence newsletter to get tasty new tips in your inbox every Friday. 

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