This short horror film is a social media-fueled, gender-flipped ‘American Psycho’

By Joe Berkowitz

What: A rather violent (be warned!) short horror movie about social media anxiety channelled into bloodlust.

Who: Writer/director Jamie Delaney and cowriter/star Coral Amiga.

Why we care: In today’s self-imposed Truman Show world, life is what happens in between checking your social media mentions. For one disaffected woman in  the new horror short MJ, though, what happens is death. Murder, specifically.

The titular 25-year old Brit starts off struggling with typical everyday traumas like finding just the right flattering photo of herself and overhearing coworkers’ Instagram trash talk. Then something clicks during a Tinder date with a phone-addled dude-bro—and it’s not the chemistry between them. She suddenly responds to the pressure of putting one’s self on full fish-tank display and competing for attention with everyone else in a most unusual fashion. Her descent into violence isn’t gradual; it’s like a flipped switch. Once she takes the dissociative plunge, she realizes what a dopamine hit it is to make a killing on Instagram. It’s the gender-flipped, social media-fueled, modern American Psycho you’ve been craving.

[via Short of the Week]

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