Tinder Launches A Petition To Create Emoji For Interracial Couples
What: A campaign from dating site Tinder to petition Unicode for emoji that depict interracial couples.
Who: Tinder
Why we care: To include interracial couples in our broader emoji roster is to categorize it as completely and utterly normal. As normal as a happy face, an eggplant or a smiling coiled turd. To classify it as something other than “other.” In 2015, we got emojis representing a variety of different races, but no mix-and-match options. Since emojis are standardized by the Unicode Consortium, the dating app has launched a petition to get it done.
In a company blog post, the company cited a recent study that suggested the increased popularity of dating apps like Tinder may be responsible for an increase in interracial marriages, and also announced a contest giving couples who post a pic of themselves in the emoji stance on Twitter a chance to win an emojified version of themselves.