Top 5 skills you need to get hired in 2024
The working world is changing at a rapid pace, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies, changing business needs, a shift in consumer behavior, and a volatile economic landscape.
All of this is putting pressure on workers to adapt and keep up. However, there is no need to panic. Professionals have always had to train and learn new skills in order to remain employable in a competitive job market. In the dynamic job market of 2024, there will be certain skills that employers will be looking for. Understanding which skills are most in-demand can help you take the next step in your career.
This guide will unveil the top five skills that my team at StandOut CV believes employers are looking for in 2024, so you can master these abilities and position yourself as a standout candidate in the evolving job landscape.
Here are the top five skills you need to stay competitive and land your dream role in 2024.
From remote work to rapid changes in technology, the working world is constantly evolving. For that reason, being resilient and adaptable is a crucial skill that employers are looking for in their workforce. They want employees who can move with the times, embrace new circumstances, and tackle new challenges as they arise.
Adaptability also shows that you can keep an open mind and be innovative, choosing to see these changes or challenges as new opportunities for growth. This could be what sets you apart from other candidates.
The best way to showcase these skills on your résumé is to give examples of times you have taken initiative or responded quickly to new changes; quantifying these examples wherever possible.
Data literacy and analytics
Data has become the biggest commodity in the world, and all businesses rely on data in some way for daily operations. From small and medium enterprises to giant corporations, there are so many ways that data can be used, and that is why employers are looking for basic data literacy and analytical skills in new hires.
You don’t have to be an expert at handling and analyzing huge data sets to offer critical insights. But employers do want to see that you can, at the very least, understand the importance of data to the business and recognize some of the most basic terminology.
What’s more, data literacy often comes coupled with expertise or understanding of popular digital tools and platforms. For example, on a personal level, most people will have a basic understanding of analytics from their social media accounts.
Being able to show that you have an understanding of these tools and, better yet, that you know how to create actionable insights from data collection, can instantly boost your résumé this year.
It has never been more competitive, and businesses are aware that, in order to stand out, they have to be creative and innovative. In order to do this, organizations need to have creative employees who can identify pain points, generate new ideas, and challenge the status quo.
The best way to showcase these skills is with an engaging résumé that details how you have used your creativity to make a positive impact on businesses in the past.
You can also show your creativity and excel in your job search by writing pithy one-line introductions for yourself on professional sites, including LinkedIn and job boards, and coming up with interesting and unique responses to interview questions.
The world is unpredictable, and you can’t control everything. As a result, problem-solving and critical thinking will always be sought-after skills.
However, in 2024 as change continues to elevate, industries shift, and new technologies emerge, employers will expect professionals to demonstrate how they have solved critical issues in the past.
Plus, problem-solving requires professionals to think critically, analyze the situation, and use evidence to find the most beneficial solution. This requires logical reasoning, creativity, and adaptability—some of the other skills on this list.
Sustainability literacy and awareness
Finally, although it might seem like a very specific skill, the drive toward sustainability is impacting businesses across the globe and, as a result, sustainability literacy has become one of the most important skills for 2024.
Sustainability literacy shows that you have an awareness of the environment and eco-friendly practices and understand the role businesses play in saving the planet. Not to mention that lots of businesses are introducing green initiatives in a bid to meet changing government regulations. So sustainability literacy also gives you another chance to prove that you are adaptable.
This list of skills outlines a perfect mix of soft and hard skills that could help you get hired in 2024. If you do not already possess these abilities, take this as a sign to arrange some additional training and to upskill in order to stand out in a competitive job market.