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Toys ‘R’ Us could come back with six stores and a website
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Toys ‘R’ Us could come back with six stores and a website

Richard Lawler, @Rjcc

June 21, 2019

Toys 'R' Us could come back with six stores and a website |


Following the custom of well-known retailers that went under as a result of leveraged investments and business moving online, Toys R Us is reportedly close to a comeback. According to Bloomberg, a former executive is pitching plans for a chain with locations that are a third of the size of the stores you remember (probably because some of them still remain out there, empty and loom) and, of course, a website.

Radio Shack is still around, and while Circuit City’s stripped-down relaunch last year didn’t go quite as promised, it’s still functioning online. Based on the report, Richard Barry is planning to open about half a dozen locations by the holiday season, under the “Tru Kids” entity (consisting of the same lenders it owed) that owns the name. An executive of a toy company is quoted saying the industry will benefit from a self-standing toy store, even though competitors like Walmart and Target have expanded their sections.

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