Transformation or Threat: What Does AI Holds for Us?

Transformation or Threat: What Does AI Holds for Us?

Transformation or Threat: What Does AI Holds for Us? |

Recently, Niti Aayog released a report called, “A Nation Strategy for Artificial Intelligence- #AIForAll.” The report was about the different pain points and challenges that exist on the implementation of AI in India. Moreover, it also included specific recommendations regarding the role of our governments and how the corporates are working on the development of AI.

But the question remain the same — Does AI has only a bright side or something dark also exists.

Well, in order to dig a little deeper and understand what the experts in the AI industry think, I spoke to some industry related people regarding the aspects of AI.

AI will Still Need the Human Touch

Many people think that AI is capable enough to do things on itself, it won’t need any human interferences, but this doesn’t seem to be true. Humans are the inventors of AI-based applications and will remain that even in the future.

That’s what Nitin Babel, the co-founder of says. According to Babel, “AI can help in growing job opportunities. These opportunities will include creating, training and supervising the bots.

Babel continues, “We believe that AI-human augmentation is the future of work. While AI can perform mundane tasks at lightning speed, it only mimics human behavior by processing vast amounts of data. Humans, on the other hand, have high-level decision-making potential and can handle special and chaotic situations better.

“So while we do believe that AI might take away jobs that are repetitive in nature (Example: Speech Recognition can reduce the number of human translators/transcribers needed), we’re positive that in due time it will create more jobs that will leverage AI assistance.

“In the context of our team at, we eliminated the need of human chat agents, but there are certain jobs like that of a Bot Trainer, ML/NLP engineers and more which wouldn’t exist if we were not working on an AI-powered solution,” says Babel.

Any Scope for Employment?

Now the biggest question comes to the scenario. Is AI going to take the jobs from humans or is it going to create more job opportunities? Well, the issues might seem a bit difficult to answer, yet many assumptions are already floating around.

Here is what Layak Singh, the founder of believes. According to Layak Singh, AI is going to occupy just lower-skilled jobs and will create a lot more job opportunities in the upcoming years.

“Artificial Intelligence will take only low skilled or repetitive jobs, for example, BPO, Banking Agent, Manufacturing, Insurance Agent, Data Entry, Translation, etc. because these kind of jobs are repetitive and low skilled. The reason is that currently available systems or technologies are capable of understanding these processes and able to learn from previous actions, data effectively and so will be overtaken by systems.

“This is called Machine learning where it learns from the past.  AI only works if it is informed and programmed with data, actions, and has the processes available. In this case, it is required to re-skill yourself to a new category or skills job which is being created due to the AI era.

“Like, data science, design, humanities, art, annotation, training software, data collection, algorithms writing, coding, interface development, hardware, electric design, survey design and more. This means that AI will also add more than 10 Million of jobs in the next three years while it will reduce 30-40 percent of jobs from the current,” believes Singh.

Also, Read- A Quick Guide To Understanding AI’s Impact On The Future Of Work

To Wrap Up

Though there are plenty of rumors and assumptions related to AI today, yet anything specific can’t be predicted. All we can do is wait and watch AI grow with time.

Charu Mitra Dubey

Charu Mitra Dubey is freelance writer specializing in marketing, startups and entrepreneurship. She writes for several publications and at the same time work with startups on their content marketing strategies. She is the founder of, where she blogs about marketing and freelancing. When she is not working, you can find her sketching or coding.

The post Transformation or Threat: What Does AI Holds for Us? appeared first on ReadWrite.

