Traveling in 2019? Cairo and Macau top the list of emerging destinations

By Melissa Locker

The World Travel and Tourism Council just released its report on the economic impact of tourism around the globe, and it just might be time to cash in on all the vacation days you’ve been hoarding–because the list could easily make up your 2019 travel plans.

The fastest growing cities in terms of tourism dollars are Cairo and James Bond’s favorite destination, Macau, which was one of five Chinese destinations to make the list, along with Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Other emerging destinations to add to your Pinterest board include Dublin, Ireland, Manila, Philippines, and Antalya, Turkey.

Why are there so many Chinese destinations on the list? According to Travelzoo senior editor Gabe Saglie, it’s not just because China is a vast country with a lot to offer travelers who can score a visa. “The Chinese government has aggressively subsidized travel to and within the country–generating some of the biggest travel values in the world,” he wrote in an email.

China is really booming, too, raking in tourism dollars: Shanghai ($35 billion); Beijing ($32.5 billion) and Shenzhen ($19 billion) were all in the top 10 in terms of how much money tourism contributed to the country’s GDP. Other big contributors were Paris ($28 billion); Orlando ($24.8 billion); New York ($24.8 billion); Tokyo ($21.7 billion); Bangkok ($21.3 billion); Mexico City ($19.7 billion); and Las Vegas ($19.5 billion). Your thank you note is in the mail!

If dreaming about travel isn’t enough for you anymore, consider getting a job in the tourism industry. Jakarta, Beijing, Mexico City, Shanghai, Bangkok, Chongqing, Delhi, Mumbai, Ho Chi Minh City, and Shenzhen all topped the list in terms of tourism job creation. Seems like a good time to make a break from the open-plan office.


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