Twitter Moments Offers Analytics, Data Trail

Twitter Moments Offers Analytics, Data Trail

by Laurie Sullivan, Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, March 8, 2017

Twitter Moments Offers Analytics, Data Trail

Twitter’s take on short-form content appears in a series of connected tweets that got its own analytics tool this week, but the one thing lacking in all the data is the ability to analyze the benefits from indexed tweets.

On Tuesday the social site introduced Moments Analytics in a tweet after launching Moments in 2015 and then making it available to all users in 2016.

Users can analyze on Twitter the performance of their favorite Moments, which as tweets strung together that create a story, by clicking on the View Analytics option via the caret on the upper right hand corner of the Moment or clicking on the overflow menu in their Moment when viewing on Web.

Similar to Facebook Memories, images the site strings together to tell a story, marketers can leverage the analytics to determine the types of Moments that are performing well and guide their creative campaigns.

Twitter suggests that this analytics tool will help advertisers improve their editorial content strategy when running campaigns on the platform. It also will help them better understand what works as a larger story-telling campaign.

While the tweets are indexed in Google’s search engine, it remains a challenge to determine how these Moments pan out.

While the data doesn’t include analysis of traffic, it does offer insights on open rates, the number of times a Moment was viewed; Unique Opens, the number of unique users who viewed the Moment; Likes, the number of likes a Moment has received; Shares, the number of times a Moment is shared from the Tweet button; and Completion Rate, the percentage of unique users that reached the end of your Moment. Search Marketing Daily
