Twitter runs wild with a cryptic clue about the royal baby’s name

By Joe Berkowitz

The royal baby has arrived in the United Kingdom, bringing along with him sporting speculation about what his name will be.

While the only thing anyone knows for sure is that he probably won’t be named George, royal expert Victoria Arbiter has a hunch on the matter that has captured the internet’s attention.

Arbiter spoke with the U.K. tabloid Daily Express on Monday, suggesting that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will name their first child “something UNUSUAL that UNIFIES the US and UK.”

A Daily Express tweet boasting this incendiary nugget of sage soothsaying has since gone semi-viral, sparking a Twitter game in which users name the baby whatever they think might unite the U.S. and the U.K. I’ll go first: “We love you Baby Hating J.K. Rowling’s Tendency to Ret-Con.”

Some Twitterers used the prompt as an opportunity for grim political humor:

Others took a more literal-minded approach:

But the majority of Twitterers referenced areas of pop culture that transcend the transatlantic distance:

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