Uber is joining a global public transport association to improve mobility in cities
The ride sharer has announced that it is joining the International Association of Public Transportation (UITP) in an attempt to connect more people to public transport, Reuters reports. The action is a little odd since logic would say the more people who use public transport, the less they would use Uber. But of course, it’s a good public relations move as Uber is trying to show cities around the world that it’s a team player. UITP represents public transport systems in cities across the globe including Transport for London–a place where Uber is facing some serious headwind from city officials.
“One of the big emphases that [new Uber CEO] Dara [Khosrowshahi] has made . . . is that we want to be better partners for the cities we operate in,” an Uber spokesperson said. Uber will reportedly begin its UITP membership by working on a series of training sessions that aim to better connect people to the start or end of their trips.
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