Under the Radar 2015: 15 Movies, TV Shows, and Albums You Might Have Missed

There’s still time. These things aren’t going anywhere. Catch up now!

Here’s the truth: Even if there were no new TV shows in 2016, we’d still all probably be taken care of for the year. So many awesome new series debuted or continued, and across so many platforms this year, it would’ve been impossible for most of us to keep up with them all. (Except for your one friend. You know the one. That guy who says “What do you mean you haven’t seen the totality of Jessica Jones yet!” two weeks after it comes out.)

Let’s face it, we could all use a year of no incoming content to catch up on Mr. Robot and The Leftovers season two and every other widely lauded thing we keep meaning to get around to watching. But we’re not going to get it. Instead, Netflix is literally doubling its original programming slate for the year, and nobody else is showing any signs of slowing down either. Having
too much to watch, rather than the traditional few favorites, is the new normal.

In the race to see as much as possible of what everybody’s raving about, some things inevitably get overlooked. It’s okay, we understand. You’re busy, possibly with a career and/or human relationships. Co.Create is here to help, though. Because TV shows aren’t the only items of interest that fall by the wayside, we’ve also rounded up some of the movies and albums that were kind of under the radar this year that are actually more than worth your precious time. Have a look through the slides above for the best of what you might have missed.

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