Pinned November 10, 2018

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Vimeo launches channel just for holographic video
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Vimeo launches channel just for holographic video

Jon Fingas, @jonfingas

November 07, 2018
Vimeo launches channel just for holographic video |

Vimeo has a reputation for pushing the boundaries of video technology in a bid to stand out, but it’s taking things a step further. The service recently launched a channel dedicated solely to holographic video. You’ll need one of Looking Glass Factory’s holographic displays, but the result is what you’d hope for: it’s streaming, glasses-free video with a genuine sense of depth. While the clips you’ll see are currently demos, it beats having to launch apps one at a time just to see holographic clips.

Producers can upload their own holographic video, and Vimeo has a tutorial to walk them through the format.

The challenge, to no one’s surprise, is acquiring a holographic display in the first place. Looking Glass ships its 8.9-inch holographic display in December for $399, but only to crowdfunding backers who got in early. For everyone else, you’ll have to wait for general availability at a $600 price. That might be fine if you’re a 3D creator who’d like a way to preview and showcase your work, but it’s a lot to spend if you’re an everyday user who wants to see some holographic effects. This is more of a peek at what streaming video could be in the future than something that draws you away from services like YouTube.

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