Warning: Delayed IRS tax filing deadline may not apply to your state taxes
By Arianne Cohen
March 19, 2021
That extra, blissful spring month before you have to file your taxes that the IRS gifted you this week comes with a hitch: The new May 17 filing deadline for 2020 taxes applies to federal taxes only. Your state’s tax deadlines may still be April 15. As of Friday morning, some states have already said that they would join the IRS in extending the filing deadline to May 17, but every state may not jump on board.
Yes, this is a situation. You have three choices:
Wait to see if your state follows suit. Check your state’s income tax website and see if the deadline moves to May 17. Last year many states followed the IRS delay to July 15, due to the pandemic. But not all states did.
File an extension with the state. States allow six-month extensions, to October 15, 2021, which would allow you to file both your federal and state taxes by May 17, without accruing any extra fees.
Just file by April 15. If you stick to the old deadline, you are guaranteed to have no issues with late fees. This is a strong strategy for people who owe estimated taxes that are still due on April 15, and thus need to complete their accounting by April 15 anyway.
Note that you do not need to file an extension with the IRS to enjoy the May 17 delay. Carry on with your procrastinatory ways.