Watch Architecture And Typography Smash Together Like Peanut Butter And Jelly
Gorgeous concepts by Universal Everything imagine a future in which our words and buildings are one.
Ideo looks like a roller coaster designed by M.C. Escher. AKQA is a series of fans gone sentient. These are some of the strange, part-typographical, part-architectural brand interpretations designed by Universal Everything for the OFFF Design Festival.
“I wanted to invent some imaginary structures and products that people wish existed,” explains Universal Everything founder Matt Pyke. “These structures could represent any form of messaging or branding.” And that’s really the project in a nutshell. Each participating studio name has been rendered as a kinetic structure—what you might consider a take on the living logo—set to a soundtrack that drives, even powers the animations themselves.
With no physical limits, Joshua Davis becomes a giant tube of Smarties. Mucho is a spinning parking garage. And Universal Everything extrudes itself through a series of mechanical, fabric panels. “I’m super interested in how we can use CGI to ‘sculpt’ new forms, impossible sculptures that couldn’t be achieved in the real world,” writes Pyke. And while that may seem like an exercise in fantasy, Pyke points to a whole field of kinetic architecture as validating at least some of his ideas already.
Besides, when we’re all living in Facebook’s metaverse, who needs real buildings, anyway?
[All Images: via Universal Everything]