Where Is Xur Today? Destiny Xur Location & Items For This Week January 27 To 29
Where Is Xur Today? Destiny Xur Location & Items For This Week January 27 To 29
We have the early scoop on where to discover the merchant Destiny Xur. Furthermore, we additionally have information on what fascinating protection and weapons he has accessible for Destiny players for the few days after January 27th.

Destiny Xur location and stock
It’s the standard downtime for Destiny. This implies players are attempting to locate their own particular activities to have a great time. Now and again that includes crushing Iron Banner for new stuff. Then again, in different cases, it implies tidying off old objectives. This includes challenges like soloing Aksis at light level 385 among other digital endeavors. Sadly, finding the enjoyment in the current state of the game is all Destiny players will have for some time. This is on the grounds that Bungie a week ago affirmed the Crimson Days event won’t return for February of this year.
Then again, the uplifting news is that a weapon adjustment update is underway. This ought to ideally enhance the condition of Destiny’s PvP once it releases. What’s more, Bungie has started prodding new substance for not long from now. This will presumably be the last add-on before the release of Destiny 2 in the fall. Xur, Agent of the Nine is at the Tower by the Vanguards selling Rise of Iron exotic armor and exotic weapons. Xur has the Zeal Supercell Auto Rifle, Glasshouse (Titan Exotic), Graviton Forfeit (Hunter Exotic) and Claws of Ahamkara (Warlock Exotic).
Source for last week Destiny Xur: MobiPicker
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