White Label SEO and How it Can Grow Your Business
White Label SEO and How it Can Grow Your Business
You are an agency, but you are first an entrepreneur. All entrepreneurs have one thing in common – they’ll do everything to make sure their business doesn’t shut doors.
Your agency may be at the point where it needs a breakthrough in its finances, and White Label SEO services might just be what you’re looking for. Here’s how you can boost your revenues.
1. Offer Value for Money
In this business, tangible results are your best ally. It is what will attract clients to your agency. Keeping this in mind, you must strive to offer quality services, otherwise, clients will leave you for your competitors across the street.
“How do I achieve this?” Simple.
Whether you’re hunting down potential clients or trying to keep the existing ones, you must make it clear to them what they’ll get in return. For example, you can write a white paper to provide in-depth knowledge about the services you offer.
Also, you can perform an SEO audit on the client’s site and show them what they lack. The bottom line is communicating how your services can help boost your client’s sales.
2. Diversify Your Income
Relying on a single revenue stream can prove to be a financial time bomb for your agency. Therefore, it’s important you diversify your income sources.
Many agencies tie themselves down to single expertise. Tap into other digital marketing income sources such as offering white label SEO services.
One way is by complementing one of the services with another. For instance, you can come up with a package which offers web design and SEO services. Web designing is a one-time task. On the other hand, SEO offers you a monthly source of income as it takes a while to get a client’s site to the search result’s first page.
Besides, after they rank on the first page, they’ll want your help to stay there.
3. Learn How to Price
This is a tricky topic, especially if you’re only just starting out. However, the recommended price is generally triple the current retail price. This ensures you maintain a healthy profit margin. Nevertheless, keep these tips in mind while coming up with the prices:
· Offer reasonable prices: On one hand, you want to make a profit. On the other hand, you don’t want to scare away the clients with hefty prices. Also, you don’t want to undersell your services. Therefore, when coming up with a price, don’t get too greedy.
· Come up with a pricing model: Pricing models help you to cover multiple angles. For example, with a one-off project, an hourly rate will work well. If it’s a long-term project, consider working with a retainer.
4. Consider an Affiliate Program
Affiliate marketing allows you to network while making money. This is a simple way of diversifying your revenue streams. White label SEO companies offer affiliate programs to bag more clients. All you have to do is find clients and get them to use your affiliate link when purchasing a product.
However, these programs vary from one company to another. The commissions start anywhere from 5 to 30 percent. In order to reap maximum benefits as an affiliate, grow your network.
Digital marketing is a broad field. While you may be an expert at one service, you can still outsource the services you can’t personally offer to other experts. In short, you have to be a smart entrepreneur in order to survive.
Jamshed Chaudhary
Started writing as a professional on my personal blog and then I discovered my true breakthrough, which is writing about technology, news, and gadgets in general. A technical writer, author, and blogger since 2010, industry enthusiast that stays on top of the latest trends, extremely passionate about juicy tech news and everything related to gadgets.