Why Scott Linzer Returned To iCrossing As VP Of Organic Media

by , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, September 15, 2016

Why Scott Linzer Returned To iCrossing As VP Of Organic Media

What’s the old saying? Don’t burn bridges. Scott Linzer recently discovered the industry is smaller than many think.

Linzer recently rejoined iCrossing as VP of Organic Media. Linzer is based in New York, after previously working with Hearst’s agency from 2005 through 2007. This time around he reports to Mike Racic, president of media services.

Linzer oversees the agency’s SEO and social media practices, something he did while at Ecselis, which is part of Havas Media. He also previously held the position of SVP of search marketing at Havas Media, as well as holding senior roles with Quantcast, AKQA and UM.

SB:  What is the biggest challenge in search today?

Linzer:  The clients feel search is on autopilot and all they need to do is maneuver around Google’s algorithm changes. That’s not the case. It’s really about using the agency and its resources. It’s about leveraging the client’s assets so they can gain more traction from the search results pages.

SB:  Is the agency and brand relationship changing?

Linzer:  Yes, in a positive direction. Clients have ambitious goals either branding or selling more products or services. There’s no question that based on the RFPs I have seen at iCrossing and during my prior role, there’s a real focus on making sure business goals will be achieved.

SB:  A recent study shows the average agency of record relationship lasts less than three years and more of the budget is shifting to project-based work. Are you seeing something similar?

Linzer:  Yes. Some of the bigger firms are procurement-led, so it may be as simple as the need to review the contract every three years. Three years is a pretty good assessment, time wise, on whether the relationship works.

SB:  What is the one major innovative technology on the horizon?

Linzer:  It seems fascinating to me that we’re all holding our breath for the next big innovation. Is it artificial intelligence or mobile? Search at its core has always been about intent-based behavior. The agencies that will service clients best will have the ability to see those consumer intent signals and tailor the messaging through data for any media.

SB:  When you wake up at 2 a.m. and cannot get back to sleep, what keeps you up at night?

Linzer:  Clients are not embracing the media and maximizing benefits. What happens if Google changes an algorithm tomorrow how will we respond to that?

SB:  What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

Linzer:  I don’t know everything, and it’s important to always be learning. We learn from clients, coworkers, industry and it’s important to look many opportunities to share knowledge. Anyone who says they know it all is doing themselves and their clients an injustice. You always need to keep learning.


MediaPost.com: Search Marketing Daily
