Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus

Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus

Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus | DeviceDaily.com

How and why has humanity created a pandemic? Have inexorable protection mechanisms have been triggered to create what is now created? What scenarios are going to play out in the current situation? Here is why the world has needed the coronavirus.

During the last hundred years, humanity has been continuously moving toward self-destruction. Humanity has many apparent problems, which nobody wants to solve –or– even discuss. The purpose of human life seems to be lost. The dull existence of the majority of people seems to be restrained by office-to-home life, and a whole lot of dissatisfaction with everything we have. We have life, government, family, money, and the entire world around us — but these wonders seem to matter little to the masses.

The Lessons Of The 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 Virus) Still Aren’t Learned.

A hundred years ago — humanity faced an unusually deadly influenza pandemic. It claimed even more lives than the upcoming World War I. People didn’t learn the lessons they had to learn at that time. 

We may logically suppose that the reason for a similar situation today lies in the unlearned lessons of the past. The lessons, which have been taught by the Spanish flu (the virus strain H1N1), still aren’t understood by humanity today. We have changed nothing since that time. 

Is the Purpose of Life Lost?

Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus | DeviceDaily.com
Is the purpose of a great life — lost?                                                             Image credit: Pixabay

The only logical explanation for this is that people have deprived their lives of any meaning. As known, the Earth always finds a way to purify itself from the purposeless.

The majority think that the primary life purpose is to get married, to have children, to feed them up, to bring them up, to live waiting for grandchildren, to abandon the worldly and go to a monastery, to serve God, to please people, or on the contrary — to reject all this and dedicate a whole yourself to a business and career. However, are you sure that all these concepts restrict the true purpose of human life? What do we really exist for?

Do you believe that this incredible biological being has appeared with a mission to copy itself in a kid or two and turn into ruins even before 80 years old, the age when you become so unable to live that life looks rather like suffering?

People produce emotions and feelings. Actually, a lot of them. Meaningless life means the total absence of emotions as well as the absence of a zest for life. “How can I have a zest for life if every single day of my being is the same?” 

“I want a car that is better than my neighbor’s one, I want a woman that is prettier than his girlfriend, and I want to spend my next vacation at a luxury resort on the Canary Islands.” At least, that’s a good try to formulate a life goal. Most of us haven’t even set such goals. What do we really exist for — to eat tasty food and to sleep well?

Who Are We for the Earth?

Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus | DeviceDaily.com
What do WE, as people, mean for the Earth?                                                            Image credit: Unsplash

Let’s take a different look. What do people mean for the Earth? The massive deforestation, ruthless depletion of natural resources, atmosphere and water pollution, and tons of waste. Doesn’t sound good, right?

Oil is the primary natural resource, which we’re now the most actively depleting. Although humanity has stepped into the era of technology disruptions across all the industries, we are still not ready to give up oil and start exploiting environmentally friendly sources of energy. You may wonder why? Obviously, because oil is power and money.

Those people who want to start using alternatives to oil — don’t have an opportunity to do it, and those who have opportunities — don’t want to do it.

How to Find the Life Purpose When The World Is Paused?

Somebody likes to watch TV, somebody likes to pray, somebody likes to advocate for animal protection, anybody else likes to study or teach. Let’s be honest; nobody feels absolute satisfaction from his or her self-realization. Probably, someone feels a little bit of pleasure, but this is far from what you would like to experience. That’s right?

So, how to find a notorious purpose of life and stop going with the flow? How do you feel anything more than despondency and disappointment? How do you cease this dull existence and to fill it with meaning? How do you feel curious about life again and want to wake up in the morning? How do you live and feel? How do you find the lost purpose of life –especially now– when the whole world has paused, and the quarantine has restricted our activities? Does this purpose exist at all?

Coronavirus Is Speeding Already Existing Processes

Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus | DeviceDaily.com
Are people staying healthy in our society?                                                                        Image credit: Unsplash

In the wild, a weak or ill animal is always killed by a predator…

Are people staying healthy in our society? From early childhood and throughout life — we have diseases, diseases, diseases. Most of the planet is ill and still being ill all life long. The sick body means an unhealthy mindset that leads to a bad lifestyle and harmful habits. Case in point: our eating habits — and lack of exercise. These two particular issues merely exacerbate diseases.

In other words, human society is ill, the current situation is going to get worse, and Coronavirus is speeding up an already existing disease process.

Humans must have a more significant life purpose than to survive and proliferate. Otherwise, would we not have many more opportunities if compared to the animal and plant worlds? People exploit resources provided by both of these natural habitats and pump other resources out of the bowels of the Earth. 

Such the dominant position has its price — we aren’t allowed only to take anymore. If we don’t give something in return, these resources will be exhausted very soon. It’s only a matter of time. However, it’s ticking faster today.

The Frequency of Emotions and The Earth Frequency (Schumann Resonance)

Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus | DeviceDaily.com
Feelings are our means to interact with the surrounding world we live in.           Image credit: Pexels

We feel a lot of emotions all the time. It is our way to interact with the surrounding world. Everything happening in our lives triggers particular feelings or states of the mood, which are positive, negative, and more or less neutral. Now imagine that the entire humanity produces emotions that make up a collective consciousness. Every single emotion or feeling has its own frequency of vibration. There are high- and low-frequency emotions. 

For a long time, the constant aimlessness, dissatisfaction, and claims have been generating the low-frequency vibrations. According to multiple scientific studies, the planet’s frequency (also known as Schumann resonance) has increased to more than 30 Hz today while the average frequency of the offense, for example, fluctuates from 0,6 to 3,3 Hz. 

The gap in the frequency of vibrations (ours and the planet’s) might not be so critical if the Earth frequency was 7,6 – 7,8 Hz as before. However, it has already reached 30 Hz, which clearly shows that our planet is changing, and we can’t stay the same. All in all, it’s just a theory since an average person can neither test these data nor diagnose his/her own frequency of vibrations.

The Answer

Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus | DeviceDaily.com
How are we going to free ourselves from this pandemic?                    Image credit: Pexels

You might wonder what we can do about this pandemic? First, the root cause for most physical and mental diseases is parasites. Keep in mind, if you don’t feel them inside of you, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t there indeed. 

The easiest way to test if you have parasites or not is to analyze your social surroundings. Do you know vampiric people who live in negativism, complain about everything, and produce other low-frequency emotions? Commonly, they are also dissatisfied with everything they have: life, wife, husband, or whatever…

Usually, people underestimate the destructive influence of such “negative” personalities on their lives and don’t do anything to stop suffering from the pressure. The parasites inside of your body and your life are the first sign showing that you aren’t high-vibrational at the moment.

At this step, we may face the next question. What if our parents, closest friends, or even spouses, may fall into this category? What if you share a room or apartment with them? You can start by undergoing a complex anti-parasite program. The changes inside of your body will lead to life changes; everything is interrelated.

The next step of self-diagnosis is to ask yourself whether you wear old or second-hand clothing, do use quality cosmetics, or do you use it at all? Do you sometimes pamper yourself with a spa or anything similar that reveals your self-love? If you try to save money by cutting spendings on yourself, you have little chances to be happy, and consequently, the frequency of your vibrations can’t increase.

The third question arose: how busy are you? Are you engaged with anything else besides your daily obligations? Do you have a zest for life, or are you just killing time in the attempts to fill your life with anything else? Especially during the quarantine when you have more time for yourself and for doing what you love the most.

If you’re busy, doing something that brings you pleasure and evokes your zest for life, then all the key points mentioned above are positively implemented by default, and your high-vibrational potential is activated.


Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus | DeviceDaily.com
It’s impossible to predict the scenarios of life.                                                          Image credit: Pexels

Every day thousands of human lives are claimed by a particular virus or bacteria that has been, maybe, invented by humans who have just lost control over it. It’s impossible to predict the scenarios of the upcoming events and the number of deaths.

The only thing we know for sure is that our existence has the purpose and meaning, which we create for it by ourselves. You are the only person who decides on the meaning of your life. By doing what you’ve been doing before, you will have the same as what you’ve had before. But, you also have a choice to follow something that evokes your zest for life.

For example, you like to watch documentaries about the underwater world, but you think that it is a waste of time. Then why watch it? It would be more beneficial if you cleaned home or washed dishes, and you don’t do it. However, while watching this movie, you could probably come up with a big idea, for example, to start a business related to breeding rare species of aquarium fish or something like this.

Most often, ideas come to mind when you’re interacting with information. Like a living organism, information interacts with you and empowers you to create something new and exciting. If you want to do something  — just do it, despite the fact that it may seem senseless to you at that moment.

You shouldn’t, of course, go to another extreme, consuming information from books and the Internet without any selectivity. You should try to listen to yourself and your desires. But you must also be able to distinguish your genuine desires from those imposed by anybody else.

You can change your life by yourself, and it does not require any extra human effort: just create your life purpose.

The post Why The World has Needed the Coronavirus appeared first on ReadWrite.


Kristina Trusova

Kristina Trusova is a crisis manager, an intuitive personal instructor, and a business consultant with over 8-year-experience in counseling people and businesses worldwide. The author of her own personality transformation method that helps to eliminate the harmful personality’s software blocking the growth and development.
