Won’t Be Sad Leaving Your Beloved Pet at Home Rockirobot

Won’t Be Sad Leaving Your Beloved Pet at Home Rockirobot

Won’t Be Sad Leaving Your Beloved Pet at Home Rockirobot | DeviceDaily.com


The Rockirobot is one of those delightful inventions that bring nothing but joy. With the Rockirobot — never again will you be sitting at work or on a trip, worried about your pet. Years ago, I boarded my beloved Springer and went on a trip, only to come home and find his leg broken. How long did the borders keep my sweet friend in pain in order to say it just barely happened? And they even intimated that it was his fault because he was fighting? It was one of those “good-hell!” moments.

You Won’t Be Sad Leaving Your Beloved Pet at Home, Rockirobot

I would have been better off leaving my pet home and having a neighbor check on him — and then I would have known for sure that he was okay — every day — because I could have seen for myself.

Won’t Be Sad Leaving Your Beloved Pet at Home Rockirobot | DeviceDaily.com

See — Fluffy’s doing fabulous!

The Rocki can point turn, or move in any direction without turning. This type of mobility is one of a kind for robots. While on a pleasure or business trip, you can interact remotely with pets through your app. You can see them and talk to RuffRuff or Fluffy. They hear and respond.

Automatic Feeder

Won’t Be Sad Leaving Your Beloved Pet at Home Rockirobot | DeviceDaily.com

Automatic Feeder

The Rockirobot can be filled with treats, armed with entertainment options (feather for a cat or smaller dog is great), or stick a favorite toy on the end of the arm. The laser is a blast to use and watch your pet interact with it. Think cat jumping against the wall while you use the laser and talk to him!

Rocki is able to hold fifteen servings of treats, and you can be the one to dispense the treats. The robot has a “toss” chamber, and the treat lands one or two feet in front of the robot.

Try the Rockirobot out on the King or Queen in your home — your beloved pet

Yes — you will want to have the robot at home for a while before you take off on your long vacation. Yes, you will want someone responsible for coming and checking on your pet while you’re gone. A great trial run of using the robot while you are at work is perfect.

One of my friends wanted to try out my Rockirobot before purchasing it. He thought his massive (but gorgeous) Golden Lab, Mitsy, would chew it to bits. Mitsy (the Lab) was a little rough on poor ole Rocki — but even the tires survived just fine. My friend had to yell “no” a couple of times through the speaker and reward Misty through the automatic feeder for better compliance — but the point here is — you CAN communicate. Robot and Mitsy became fast friends after their trial run.

Hop on the Rockirobot site and watch this vid:

Won’t Be Sad Leaving Your Beloved Pet at Home Rockirobot | DeviceDaily.com

Your Sweetheart! — You’ll love watching through the app

Tell your friends to get their own

And, yes, you will have to tell your friends (and insist) that they will have to get their own Rocki, because people DO want to borrow your piece of equipment — and it’s not good on a friendship — they don’t return it.

Yes, your dog friend will try to do that thing they do on your leg, but Rocki is a big boy and can handle it. Likewise, from what I’ve seen — cats are much better behaved, with Rocki. You may even find your furry friend cuddled up next to Rocki when you return home. But never fear — your pet’s affection for you will never miss a beat, even though they’ll still miss you.

Hop on the site and see all the fun things this little robot does. Of course, people will come to your house just to play with it, but I decided that’s okay. The Rockirobot really is a great product that fills a need all of us have been looking for — for our pets.

Image Credit: taken from the Rockirobot website; thank you!


The post Won’t Be Sad Leaving Your Beloved Pet at Home Rockirobot appeared first on ReadWrite.


Deanna Ritchie

Deanna Ritchie

Managing Editor at ReadWrite

Deanna is the Managing Editor at ReadWrite. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.
