WordPress 4.2 Now Available, Speeds Up Publishing & Sharing

Latest version includes updates to Press This, streamlined plugin updates and more.


Hot on the heels of the 4.1.2 security release, WordPress has announced version 4.2, which is available now.

This version of WordPress sports an updated Press This tool, which allows quick posting to your blog by quoting the text, video or images from another website. Press This works on mobile devices and as a desktop browser bookmarklet.

Other new features include a streamlined plugin update process that eliminates the multiple page experience and does the updating inline with a single click. Also new is the ability to embed Tumblr and Kickstarter content just by pasting a link into the WordPress editor, an easier way to browse installed themes.

WordPress 4.2 is available for download now, or can be updated via the WordPress dashboard. The video below shows the new features in action.

About The Author

Matt McGee is the Editor-In-Chief of Search Engine Land. His news career includes time spent in TV, radio, and print journalism. After leaving traditional media in the mid-1990s, he began developing and marketing websites and continued to provide consulting services for more than 15 years. His SEO and social media clients ranged from mom-and-pop small businesses to one of the Top 5 online retailers. Matt is a longtime speaker at marketing events around the U.S., including keynote and panelist roles. He can be found on Twitter at @MattMcGee and/or on Google Plus. You can read Matt’s disclosures on his personal blog. You can reach Matt via email using our Contact page.

(Some images used under license from Shutterstock.com.)


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