Yahoo Mail Will Charge For Automatic Email Forwarding: Reports

Yahoo Mail Will Charge For Automatic Email Forwarding: Reports

by , November 6, 2020

Yahoo Mail Will Charge For Automatic Email Forwarding: Reports |

Yahoo Mail is about to charge users for automatic email forwarding, according to media reports. 

“Beginning January 1, 2021, automatic forwarding of emails from your Yahoo inbox to a third-party email account will no longer be a feature of free Yahoo Mail accounts,” Yahoo Mail says. 

“Upgrade to Yahoo Mail Pro or subscribe to Access + Forwarding to use the auto forwarding feature at this time.”

The monthly charge will be $3.49 for Yahoo Mail Pro.  

“Free email forwarding is a common feature of webmail services such as Yahoo Mail and Gmail, but Yahoo has now decided that it’s a privilege that needs to be paid for,” writes Beta News, which broke the story. 

The move will be a blow to users who collected their mail via Gmail and Outlook, Forbes adds. Search & Performance Marketing Daily
