You Can Now Own A Speaker With David Lynch Artwork On It
One could say David Lynch has been in a retrospective state of mind–not just with the Twin Peaks revival that wrapped last month, but also with his lithographic art.
Ever the creative polymath, Lynch began creating lithographs in earnest back in 2007 at Idem, the iconic printing studio in Paris that has been the workshop for the likes of Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. Lynch’s first 12 lithographs made at Idem became known as the Paris Suite–and now, 10 years later, he’s revisiting his work with high-end electronics company Bang & Olufsen through a limited-edition design featuring one of his Paris Suite prints. In addition to the 30 signed and numbered speakers, the Paris Suite will also be exhibited at Lynch’s second annual Festival of Disruption in Los Angeles.
The collaboration with Bang & Olufsen has been somewhat of a refresher for Lynch on the importance of location as it pertains to maximizing creative output–second only, of course, to Transcendental Meditation, which he’s been a vocal supporter of through his David Lynch Foundation.
“Anybody who goes to visit [Idem], they walk in, they smell the printer ink and they go into a dream. It’s like heaven to me,” Lynch says. “It’s got an atmosphere and a mood that is so special and you can feel the past in there and also see a glorious future.”
“Obviously I would say meditation is the most important thing a person can do for themselves and their work, but where they work is extremely important,” Lynch continues. “So many places that we are living and working in these days are not conducive to the flow of ideas and happiness.”
Location, of course, is only part of the equation. The most freeing spaces in the world won’t amount to anything if there’s no idea to make the most of it.
“I always say that if you have a blank canvas in front of you and you have some paints and you’re ready to go but you don’t have an idea, then you can’t do anything. Ideas are the most important things,” Lynch says. “For me it’s action and reaction. The idea gets you to lift up your brush and start going, then you see what you’ve done and then another idea comes. So it’s like you react to what you did and then you make the next thing and then you react to that and other ideas come.”
Revisiting his Paris Suite with Bang & Olufsen has given Lynch a new perspective on his work, not just from the vantage point of looking back at what he created 10 years ago, but also seeing something so familiar in a new context.
“The thing is that a lot of art wouldn’t maybe lend itself to going on a speaker. But those really look cool on the speaker,” Lynch says. “There are some things that I’ve done that could be reproduced and put onto other things, and so it opens up a whole world of possibilities.”
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