Your student loan payments will soon resume. Here are the key dates you need to know
Many Americans will see their monthly expenses shoot up this fall. That’s when the pause on federal student loan interest and payments will expire. The pause was implemented in 2020 as the pandemic and its negative economic effects swept across America. The hope was that by freezing federal student loan payments and interest, Americans would be on slightly better financial footing as economic uncertainty loomed.
But three years later, the pandemic feels like it’s in the rear-view mirror and the student loan payment pause is coming to an end. However, this year is also notable for a few more student loan reasons. First, 2023 will be the first time that many Gen Z who graduated college in 2020 and later will have to make federal student loan payments—a change that will be a shock to their wallets.
And second, this month the Supreme Court is set to rule on whether the Biden administration’s student loan relief package, which will forgive up to $20,000 in federal student loans for most borrowers, is lawful. If SCOTUS says it is, 14 million Americans are set to have the entirety of their student loans forgiven, reports CNBC.
Given all that’s happening on the student loan front in the months ahead, these are the dates you need to keep an eye on if you have federal student loan debt:
It’s important to note that no matter what SCOTUS decides this June, those with remaining federal student loan debt will still need to commence payments this fall. That being said, as always, those who are struggling to repay their student loan debt can request a deferment or forbearance.