Zoom Zoom: Video Conferencing Dominates Search During COVID-19, Merkle Says

Zoom Zoom: Video Conferencing Dominates Search During COVID-19, Merkle Says

by , Columnist, June 1, 2020

Zoom Zoom: Video Conferencing Dominates Search During COVID-19, Merkle Says | DeviceDaily.com

Maybe it shouldn’t surprise anyone, given the number of people working at home. But video conferencing dominated Google search in the B2B tech sector, pulling 78% of total volume from January to April, according to the B2B Trend Report: Technology, a study by Merkle. Email is slumping behind in-person events.

And guess who is winning this race? 

Zoom drew 52% of the Google brand searches for video conferencing from February to April. Microsoft was a distant second, with 13%. 

Moreover, Zoom generated over half of the total intent, with 44 million searches in April. The brand saw a total YoY increase of 1215% in that month and an even more staggering 2,381% hike in March, YoY.

This was accompanied by relative stability in other B2B areas. 

In Merkle’s last report, AWS was leading in search growth. “Now, Cisco is surging 9 percentage points ahead and IBM remains 1 point behind,” the study notes. 

In addition, numbers for unique companies are showing a strong recovery from February to April, with a 58% increase MOM.

The audience has driven spikes in search in these B2B technology solutions:

  • Virtual meetings — 97% 
  • Collaboration & Remote Working — 71%
  • DataCenter & Infrastructure — 34%
  • Security — 27%
  • Storage — 24%
  • Cloud — 18% 
  • Networking — 18%
  • Digital Transformation — 15%
  • Data — 12%
  • Chips & Processors — 12% 
  • Solutions & Apps — 2% 

According to Merkle, the market tactics now working include: 

  • Search & paid social
  • Video
  • Podcast
  • Top & middle-funnel display advertising
  • Content syndication with a clear and differentiated POV, and without a hard conversion expectation
  • Webinars 
  • Video streaming 
  • ABM targeting
  • New partnerships & innovation

Watch out, email specialists — here are the tactics that are not rated as working so well:

  • In-person events
  • Standard email
  • OOH
  • Telesales at scale 
  • Sports partnerships 
  • COVID-19 specific materials — the appetite is now more future focused

The study also shows that B2B brands experienced surges in brand-related content topics from February to April:

  • AWS — 600%
  • Dell — 303% 
  • Adobe — 173%
  • Salesforce —145% 
  • Cisco— 132%
  • Intel  — 112%
  • Slack — 62%
  • Cisco Webex — 51%
  • IBM — 38% 

Brands saw the following associated search teams focused on internal business priorities in April: 

  • Major server vendors
  • Cloud growth
  • Covid
  • Power reliability
  • Colocation 
  • Bandwidth 
  • Customers
  • Networking
  • Flash storage
  • Adoption 
  • Cloud global colocation 
  • Power
  • APAC 

When it comes to personnel, clients are focusing efforts toward IT, Security and operations titles and away from other specialties: 

  • IT: +75%
  • Security: +68%
  • Operations: +36% 
  • Marketing: +33
  • Product: -78%
  • Facilities: -75%
  • HR: -36% 
  • Procurement: -22%
  • Finance: -17%

Finally, brands are shifting their targeting toward larger organizations and away from smaller ones.

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